Recyclable Items

Members of the public can drop off, free of charge, a range of recyclable items as follows:

  • Cardboard - clean and dry
  • Polystyrene - clean and white
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Aluminium cans
  • Metal items
  • Whitegoods
  • Electronic Waste (e-waste)

We recommend you attempt to drop off as much recyclable material as possible through our free drop-off area, before proceeding over the weighbridge to dispose of in landfill. This ensures you pay the least amount in fees and helps conserve natural resources through material recovery and reuse.

To save yourself time, we suggest you sort your load before you leave home to match the order that you will drop off your items.

Household goods and furniture in reasonable condition and suitable for reselling at our Reuse Shop, are also accepted free of charge (subject to approval by the inspecting attendant and the capacity of stock already in the shop).  Please note that some items are not permitted for resale. To view this list, please click here.

The collection areas for materials below are listed in order of the first you will encounter, to the last. Pack your items so that the easiest to reach items (the first you will unload) are from the top of this list:

  • Household Hazardous Waste
  • Household goods and furniture
  • Containers – glass and aluminium
  • Metal and whitegoods (excluding fridges and air conditioners, see below)
  • White polystyrene
  • Cardboard - Please squash/flat pack your cardboard to avoid delays onsite.
  • Electronic Waste (e-waste)
  • Fridges and air conditioners

Please click here to view the list of items received into the Recycling area.

If you are unsure, or need more information, call the MRC Administration Office, Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 4:30pm

Phone: (08) 9306 6303
Fax:  (08) 9306 6399