Bushland Management

Tamala Park bushland has been designated a Bushland Forever Protection Area because of its conservation value. It also provides screening and a buffer zone for site operations.
The Tamala Park bushland management objectives are to:
- Protect and maintain bushland that is in very good condition and will not be cleared;
- Restore and improve bushland that is in moderate to poor condition and will not be cleared; and
- Progressively rehabilitate areas that have been cleared and subject to landfill operations.
The MRC manages the bushland by undertaking rehabilitation programs, weed management and dieback management. Each year specific revegetation and weed control programs are implemented to progressively maintain and protect the sites bushland.
Recently the MRC has engaged a third party to review the bushland fuel loading around the site. This is to determine if the council should undertake a prescribed hazard reduction burn similar to the 2016 burn to the bushlands grass trees.
Should your family pet have entered the Bush Forever land at Tamala Park please contact 9306 6303 and ask for our Environmental Supervisor. Alternatively contact:
Alternatively contact your local vet or see the following web site: www.lostpetfinders.com.au