Pest & Vermin Management Programs
MRC manages pest and vermin at Tamala Park. There are a number of legal requirements that MRC must adhere to, one being the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 under which land owners have an obligation to control declared pests. Listed below is a short summary of the many management plans for declared pests and vermin:
Six-weekly servicing on bait traps and surface sprays are undertaken.
Cat Management
Quarterly cat trapping occurs in operational areas and the surrounding bushland. Cats that are caught are taken to the local vets and checked for microchip (returned home), virus and diseases. If the cat is not feral and has cleared the medical it is sent to the local cat shelter for collection by owner or rehomed.
European House Borer
As MRC receives a lot of pine material, inspection of materials are routinely carried out. Untreated pine is sent straight to landfill and cannot be recycled.
Click here
European Wasp
MRC is part of the Adopt–a-Trap program running by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).
Click here
Millipede Management
When required, shallow solar lights traps are located in the hot spots around site and traps are cleaned regularly of the caught millipedes.
Click here
Myrtle Rust
Myrtle Rust has the potential to be a biosecurity threat to the state's biodiversity. As such, MRC takes this situation seriously. This fungus (yellow powder) infects native plants. MRC is using the myrtle bushes at the weighbridge as sentinels for the rust.
If in the event that Myrtle Rust is detected, the DPIRD will be notified.
Click here
Jarrah Dieback (Phytophthora)
MRC has two known species of Phytophthora on site, one of which was introduced from waste material being disposed on site. A periodic monitoring program is undertaken for the checking, containment and treatment of the affected areas. To date containment has been achieved and plant life is doing well on site. Unfortunately, the disease is not curable, only treatable. Customers using the Tamala Park facility to dispose of material which they suspect may be infected with dieback are encouraged to wrap any waste beforehand.
Feral animal management
For more information on MRC's management of feral animals, please see below:
Feral Animal Management leaflet