The Person to whom this Notice is given must, within 28 days of this Notice being given, provide to the CEO for approval, a plan to manage leachate volumes on the Premises. The plan must identify:
a) The volume of leachate currently held at the premises and the methodologies used to arrive at the volume. b) The chemical characteristics of the leachate. c) A detailed methodology including times, dates and meteorological conditions under which any process involving leachate may be undertaken. d) The measures that will be taken to ensure that implementation of the plan does not cause odour emissions outside the premise boundary. e) Details of the monitoring that will be undertaken to assess the effectiveness of controls in preventing odour emissions outside the premises boundary. f) Records relating to the monitoring must be provided to the CEO every 14 days post implementation of the approved plan
Completed - January 2025
The Person to whom this Notice is given must within 7 days of this Notice being given, provide and thereafter maintain additional cover on any areas of the landfill where leachate seepage is visible, to minimise odour emissions from areas where leachate seepage has occurred.
Completed - December 2024
The Person to whom this Notice is given must within 30 days of this Notice being given:
a) Inspect the integrity of any areas of the landfill with final capping for visible defects such as cracks which may allow for uncontrolled emissions landfill gas. b) Identify remedial action which can be taken to mitigate uncontrolled emissions of landfill gas resulting from any defects. c) Provide a report for the CEO’s approval on the findings of the inspections, details of any remedial measures recommended and a timescale for the implementation of any recommendations. d) Implemented the recommendations once they are approved by the CEO.
Completed - January 2025
The Person to whom this Notice is given must, within 21 days of this Notice being given, provide to the CEO a review of the landfill gas (LFG) collection and management system, in the form of a report, to ensure it is appropriately optimised and working effectively to maximise gas collection. The report must contain:
a) A map identifying the operational and non-operational wells. b) Details on the physical condition of each element of the collection and management system including collections wells, condensate traps, gas flare and gas engines. c) A maintenance schedule outlining any maintenance required for any element of the landfill gas collection and management system to ensure the on-going effectiveness of the system
Completed - December 2024
The Person to whom this Notice is given must, within 60 days of this Notice being given, submit a report to the CEO that contains a review of the existing landfill gas collection and management system to assess whether it is sufficient to control emissions of landfill gas to prevent them causing odour impacts on receptors outside of the Premises. The review must:
a) Be undertaken by a suitably qualified landfill gas consultant; b) Detail the operational landfill gas infrastructure in each landfill stage; c) Identify the current landfill gas volumes being generated from each stage of the landfill, the collection and management capacity of the current system of each landfill stage and the estimated future gas generating potential of each landfill stage. d) Provide information to support the identification and estimation of landfill gas volumes required in c); e) Identify any necessary improvements including landfill gas collection and management infrastructure to prevent odour impacts outside the Premises as a result of landfill gas emissions with a timescale for completion of the recommended improvements.
The Person to whom this Notice is given must implement the recommended improvements identified under requirement 5e) in accordance with a direction to do so by the CEO.
The Person to whom this Notice is given must install a pilot scale leachate treatment unit (leachate treatment unit) by the end of February 2025 and trial its effectiveness at treating leachate generated on the site for disposal to sewer, (Mindarie Regional Council, May 2024). At least 14 days prior to installation of the leachate treatment unit, the following information must be submitted to the CEO:
for a period of up to 12 weeks as detailed in the Critical Infrastructure Plan entitled, “Critical Infrastructure Plan CIP, Mindarie Regional Council” a) The detailed specification of the leachate treatment unit; b) The proposed location of the leachate treatment unit; c) Details of how odour emissions from the construction and operation of the leachate treatment will be mitigated during the trial; d) Criteria by which the effectiveness of the trial will be measured.
Ongoing - trial underway
The Person to whom this Notice is given must, within 28 days of the completion of the trial in requirement 7, submit to the CEO a report that documents and provides evidence of the effectiveness of the trial against the trial criteria.
The Person to whom this Notice is given must, if directed to do so by the CEO to further mitigate the impact of odour emissions from the Premises on the local community and only if the CEO has afforded Mindarie Regional Council an opportunity in writing of not less than 7 days to show cause why a direction should not be made, take further action to manage odour emissions on the site in accordance with the CEO’s direction.
No action required
The Person to whom this Notice is given must, within 60 days of this Notice being given, provide a groundwater risk assessment that assesses the risk to groundwater from elevated leachate heads within the site. The groundwater risk assessment must:
a) Be undertaken by a contaminated sites auditor; b) Include an update to the Mandatory Auditors Report (MAR) that includes specific discussion around the risk to groundwater from elevated leachate head, including a review of the historic MAR data, with a specific focus on potential trends in leachate head and plume characteristics. c) Assess the likely risks to groundwater quality from any increased risk of seepage through the landfill liner. d) Include recommended actions to mitigate any assessed increased risk to groundwater and a proposed timeline for implementing the recommendations.
Ongoing - extension granted by DWER
The CEO may vary the requirements of this Notice, including the specified requirements and timeframes where they consider sufficient justification has been provided, and it can be demonstrated that such variation will not result in an unacceptable risk to human health, the environment or any environmental value.
No action required