Electronic Waste (e-waste)

Recent legislation now prohibits the disposal of e-waste in landfills. This change ensures that more valuable resources within e-waste can be recovered and repurposed for better use.
Recycling e-waste not only helps preserve natural resources but also provides a safer, more sustainable solution for both people and the environment.
Electronics are banned from your kerbside bins and landfill disposal. They must be deposited at the Tamala Park recycling and free drop off centre (bay 8) or other authorised collection points.
What e-waste items can I drop off at Tamala Park?
At Tamala Park, we accept all types of electrical goods for recycling—whether they plug into a socket or run on batteries. Best of all, it’s completely free!
Some examples include televisions, computers and computer accessories, mobile phones, printers, tablets, projectors, games consoles, remotes, speakers, coffee machines, electric shavers and trimmers - even larger items like vacuum cleaners, electronically powered garden equipment, power tools and electronic exercise machines.
If your electronic item is in good condition, you may be able to offer it for resale at the Tamala Park Reuse Shop. Speak to an attendant at bay 2 for more information.
What happens to the e-waste which I drop off?
E-waste contains many recyclable materials - the trick is separating them out so that they can be processed and reused properly. However, e-waste can also contain hazardous materials which may present risks to human health and the environment.
We work with a number of partners to ensure that any e-waste you deliver to us is handled and recycled correctly, in accordance with our state's drive to recover more value from waste materials and protect the environment.