LFG Power Station at Tamala Park

Tamala Park is home to Western Australia's largest landfill gas (LFG) power station, generating electricity from an otherwise unused by-product of our operations.

Landfill sites produce gas as a result of organic waste decomposing. One of the largest components of LFG is methane, which without intervention would otherwise release into the atmosphere or be 'flared' (burned). Methane is a 'greenhouse gas' and therefore harmful to the climate. However, when waste methane is trapped and stored it can be a useful source of fuel to generate electricity.

The Tamala Park LFG Power Station began operation in 2004, later expanding in 2007. It has a generation capacity of 6 megawatts - sufficient to provide power to approximately 6,000 homes.

The LFG Power Station at Tamala Park is operated by our joint partner, EDL.

More information on LFG power can be found on the EDL website.

Gas Wells

Landfill gas plant