Free Asbestos Drop Off

This service is available to residents/householders ONLY. Commercial disposal of asbestos and asbestos containing materials is subject to our standard fees and charges.

Householders are welcome to dispose of asbestos containing material at Tamala Park for free every Sunday. Disposal on any other day attracts a fee.

A maximum of 165kg can be dropped off for free - this is in line with the commercial guidelines for safe disposal without a licence, as set by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

For Asbestos loads over 165kg, the first 165kg will be free and the additional amount will be charged at the normal asbestos rate (see fees and charges).

Householders may make multiple visits up to a maximum of five, after which Mindarie Regional Council (MRC) reserves the right to refuse entry and/or charge.

How to prepare asbestos for disposal

Disposal is subject to meeting strict disposal conditions and inspection by an attendant at Tamala Park. Asbestos which, in the opinion of the customer service officer, has not been wrapped in such a manner as to prevent the release of asbestos fibres will have disposal refused and be directed to rectify the problem off site.  Minimum asbestos disposal conditions are as follows:

  • The asbestos containing material is double wrapped in heavy duty (200 micron) builder’s plastic and sealed with strong duct tape,
  • It has been securely wrapped and taped in such a manner as to prevent the release of asbestos fibres both during transport and disposal, and
  • Is clearly labelled ‘Caution Asbestos’ on the outside of the packaging.

Click here for a printable 'Caution Asbestos' label.

The MRC strongly recommends that all asbestos containing material is double wrapped BEFORE transporting to provide maximum protection to both the public and our staff during offloading and subsequent handling.

Asbestos will NOT be accepted if wrapped in bin liners.

Where to obtain plastic, bags & tape for wrapping asbestos

Heavy duty (200 micron) builders plastic is widely available from many hardware and specialist retailers.

The following items can be purchased from the Reuse Shop at Tamala Park:

  • Black plastic sheeting (200 micron)
  • Heavy duty plastic bags
  • Duct tape

Asbestos cannot be wrapped on site at Tamala Park, even when plastic, bags and tape are purchased there.  These items must be taken off site to wrap the asbestos.

Other considerations before arriving at Tamala Park

  • No tipping of asbestos from vehicles is allowed at Tamala Park. Asbestos must be manually unloaded by hand.
  • MRC staff are unable to unload your asbestos. Please ensure you have someone with you to help off-load your asbestos.
  • Householders will need to fill in the Residential Asbestos Drop Off Declaration. This should be downloaded and filled in prior to arrival to avoid delays.  Alternatively, the form can be obtained at the weighbridge on arrival.

Additional safety information